
Lightovation, June 2024: A lighting spectacle

After a successful debut at the January 2024 edition of Lightovation, we returned to the International Lighting Center at Dallas Market Center for the June edition of Texas's premier lighting fair. Since January, our latest flagship releases have been on…
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Lightfair 2023: Lighting around the world

During the week of May 21st to 25th, one of the most important international fairs took place in New York, the LightFair. Held at the Javits Center with over 300 exhibitors, Omega made its first appearance at the event with…
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Omega Light at Casa Brasil New York 2022

This year, Omega Light is one of the lighting industries invited to the Casa Brasil NY 2022 exhibition. The event that takes place from May 11 to 25, in the United States, presents 144 Brazilian products from 65 companies under…
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