
Design Export Day – Omega Light was present

The event organized by ApexBrasil in conjunction with Abilux, brought together national and international design personalities to discuss global trends in the sector and Omega Light was one of the companies invited to share its experience.

Design Export Day Lecture Space

Marked by its fourth edition, Design Export Day returned with the objective of helping several companies enter the international market, as well as reinforced by ApexBrasil’s Competitiveness manager, Clarissa Furtado “ApexBrasil completes 25 years of operation and design has always been in our DNA, it is part of our history. In Brazil, we have renowned designers, whose work is internationally recognized, so we have everything to make this our differential. And Design Export is a program fully aligned with this mission.”

In 2016 we were present in the Design Export program and since then we have been able to reap significant gains both at the beginning and in the course of the creation process within our organization. Fabio Nagata, our Marketing Director, participated in the International Recognition panel of the event representing our Creation Manager, Ricardo Fahl, and shared the importance of the program for international visibility “We have a product development group, but the contact we obtained through the program with other ways of thinking about design, of starting the creation process, was very important. Some practices have been assimilated by our team. I recommend all companies, especially those that do not have a product development sector, to participate in Design Export”.

Fabio Nagata at the International Recognition panel

In addition to sharing our experience in international design, we had the opportunity to bring to the various design professionals present at the time our PEG luminaires, atmo, which carry international awards such as IF Design Award and LIT Design Award and our latest development, ubá.


Atmo – Design Export Day

Atmo – Design Export Day

Atmo spark – Design Export Day

PEG – Design Export Day

ubá – Design Export Day

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